- 23:12 / 23.01.2025
- 22:58 / 23.01.2025
- , Jamoa
Loyiha Asoschisi Asadbek Ismoilov

Asadbek Ismoilov — Fasih.uz Loyihasi asoschisi. 2023-yilda Fasih.uz loyihasiga asos solgan. Loyihada jamoa yeg’ish, maqolalar chiqarilishi va marketingi bilan shug’ullanadi. O’zlari Iqtisodiyot hamda Falsafaga qiziqadi.
Asadbek Ismoilov is the founder of the Fasih.uz Project. He established Fasih.uz in 2023 and oversees team building, article publication, and marketing for the project. He has a deep interest in Economics, Political Science, and Philosophy.
Izoh qoldirish