• 23:04 / 23.01.2025
  • , Jamoa

Biznes Bo'limi Lideri Husan Isomiddinov

Husan Isomiddinov — Fasih.uz Loyihasida Biznes Bo’limi lideri va bosh muharriri. Husan 2024-yildan buyon Biznes yo'nalishi lider sifatida boshqarib kelmoqda. Uning qo’l ostida, talantli va qattiq ishlaydigan volontyorlar saralab olindi va bir yil davomida Y Combinatorning Startup Schoolda biznes qurish bo’yicha darslar o’zbek tiliga tarjima qilindi. Husan Siyosat, Iqtisodiyot va Ta’lim Tarixiga qiziqadi.

Husan Isomiddinov serves as the Business Department Leader and Editor-in-Chief at the Fasih.uz Project. Since 2024, he has been leading the Business division. Under his leadership, talented and hardworking volunteers were carefully selected, and over the course of a year, Y Combinator's Startup School business development lessons were translated into Uzbek. Husan has a keen interest in Politics, Economics, and Intellectual History.

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